FS IM NUVO Concept Abyss Peninsula Drop-Off


New member
For sale is a 20 gallon Innovative Marine NUVO Concept Abyss Peninsula Drop-Off Glass Aquarium. It was used approx 4 months, no visible scratches. Included is the tank, the stock pump and a spin stream return nozzle. Also maybe 10# Fiji pink sand if you want it. I’ll post up pics later when I get home from work.

$300, would also be interested in trades (skimmer, Hydra26 HD, possibly livestock, etc)

Located in Greenacres
For whatever reason I can’t seem to edit the post. Couple changes... landscapers blew dirt and stuff into sand that I had lying out for pics... no longer included.

Found a 3 section In Tank media basket that will be included.
Just found a cobalt neotherm heater that is sized for this tank, it'll be included as well.

$250 takes it all.
Wish I didn't already have an aquarium of my own because the drop off has always been a tank I've wanted to try. Best of luck finding a seller. If you haven't posted on R2R it might be worth putting it on there as well.
Wish I didn't already have an aquarium of my own because the drop off has always been a tank I've wanted to try. Best of luck finding a seller. If you haven't posted on clay-boa it might be worth putting it on there as well.

Thanks, I wanted the drop off too... but decided to go in the sump direction rather than the AIO. Hoping to do a large drop off if we ever buy a house.

Yes, it's posted over there as well. Thanks!!