FS (Irvine): ATB 840, Gyre XF-150, Tunze 1073.40, AquaticLife 30" T5, TLF 150


New member
Cleaning house after downsize... PM if interested.

All prices listed are OBO.

Cleaning house after downsize... Please PM if interested.

All prices listed are OBO.

ATB 840 V1.5 Protein Skimmer w/Tunze Hydrofoamer Silence 9420.04 Pump (pump bought 12/15), $300, has non-working Swabbie motor on it. All pieces included. New owner could always check into getting a new Swabbie motor.
<a href="http://s393.photobucket.com/user/robojetx/media/ForSale/IMG_0963_zpsiuwlyjcq.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i393.photobucket.com/albums/pp18/robojetx/ForSale/IMG_0963_zpsiuwlyjcq.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_0963_zpsiuwlyjcq.jpg"/></a>

Maxspect Gyre XF-150, $200, wire sheathing has crack where it bends up to come out of the tank. I was thinking about dabbing a little silicone around it, but I'll leave that up to the next owner.
<a href="http://s393.photobucket.com/user/robojetx/media/ForSale/image2_zpsxi4sleyn.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i393.photobucket.com/albums/pp18/robojetx/ForSale/image2_zpsxi4sleyn.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo image2_zpsxi4sleyn.jpg"/></a>
<a href="http://s393.photobucket.com/user/robojetx/media/ForSale/IMG_0961_zpsuvjtycck.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i393.photobucket.com/albums/pp18/robojetx/ForSale/IMG_0961_zpsuvjtycck.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_0961_zpsuvjtycck.jpg"/></a>

AquaticLife 30” T5 HO Dual-Lamp Light Fixture (2), $120 for both, these fixtures can be used separately or linked together. I have them linked in the picture, creating a 4 lamp fixture. ATI Bulbs (3 Blue Plus, 1 Purple Plus – a really great light combination); bulbs have very little use (maybe a months worth)

Tunze Silence 1073.040 (2), 1 is NEW IN BOX, $100, the other is USED but has new impeller, $80
<a href="http://s393.photobucket.com/user/robojetx/media/ForSale/image6_zpsdcyuvuyw.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i393.photobucket.com/albums/pp18/robojetx/ForSale/image6_zpsdcyuvuyw.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo image6_zpsdcyuvuyw.jpg"/></a>

Two Little Fishies Phosban Reactor, $30, new set of foam inserts and screens for running smaller material
<a href="http://s393.photobucket.com/user/robojetx/media/ForSale/image5_zpsqladlgir.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i393.photobucket.com/albums/pp18/robojetx/ForSale/image5_zpsqladlgir.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo image5_zpsqladlgir.jpg"/></a>

I have another thread of equipment here, and a few miscellaneous items I will throw in with purchase if somebody wants it.

Also, have some coral.. but I'll start another thread for that.