FS: Man-made rock


New member
I recently bought this huge mammoth man-made rock for my tank and although it looks great (will look better when coraline begins to grow), I dont like it. It measures around 30" long and it is around 20" tall. I will take exact measurements this weekend when I take it out of the tank (everything is bigger underwater... lol). Anyways, it has lots of caves and openings for fish to swim in and out of and it has small holes for frag plugs, should one desire to cover it in corals (that was MY plan). If the holes aren't being used though, they can easily be plugged with epoxy. I had this shipped and a small piece of it broke off on the bottom, but it has been epoxied in place and it is not noticeable. I paid over $200 when everything was said and done, which isn't bad since it weighs close to 50 lbs and costs $350 new. I am asking $125. Anyone interested, please pm me.

Exact measurements are 24"L x 10"W x 18"H at the largest sides. Here's a picture out of water: