New member
I broke down the tank and here is the equipment that is available.
MP10QD not wireless, less than 1 year of use, $200
Bulk Reef Supply media reactor with Maxi Jet 900, $20
Rio 2500 pump, $20
AI SOL Super Blue with controller, $50
Reef Octopus Classic 90 HOB skimmer, $100
Gravity feed ATO float and connections, $5
About 200 gallons of Instant Ocean salt mix and BRS Calcium, $40
Couple feet of Bonded PolyPad $10
150 watt HQI pendant with ballast, rec. a new bulb, $25
Dry live rock, $1lb
Little giant pump, $40

MP10QD not wireless, less than 1 year of use, $200
Bulk Reef Supply media reactor with Maxi Jet 900, $20
Rio 2500 pump, $20
AI SOL Super Blue with controller, $50
Reef Octopus Classic 90 HOB skimmer, $100
Gravity feed ATO float and connections, $5
About 200 gallons of Instant Ocean salt mix and BRS Calcium, $40
Couple feet of Bonded PolyPad $10
150 watt HQI pendant with ballast, rec. a new bulb, $25
Dry live rock, $1lb
Little giant pump, $40