FS - pearl-eye Spotcinctus clowns


Active member
$120 for the pair
Approximately 1" long

Fish 1


Fish 2

Been waiting to see this post for about a year now:) congrats on all ur hard work with these. U need to post a pic of the setup :)
I'm actually taking down the setup for now. We are taking a long vacation in a few weeks and didn''t want our housesitter to have to deal with baby fish along with all of the other animals. I wasn't happy with the initial setup since it was sort of thrown together. When we get back I am going to remodel our garage some and create a setup that is hopefully more user-friendly and less labor intensive.
Definitely not hundreds of fish. I haven't saved any nests this year after I realized I wanted to set things up differently.
I'll sell/trade what I have left before starting over. And of course I'm keeping a pair or two of fhe best!!
Not much to break down. Rotifers are gone and the larval tubs put away. Just a few growout tanks running.
really? Pearl eye spotcinctus clowns is the best name you can come up with? How about: Postal's LE Mega Primo wireless pearly diamond eye Plutonium spotcinctus clownfish? letme know whatcha think, if you do use this, i expect a royalty in perpetuity.

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