FS: Selling all inhabitants from 75g.


New member
75 gallon breakdown. Moving in 6 months and starting from scratch. posting all live stock first then will post equipment.

$780 listed individually but will sell all for $300 in 1 shot. Includes live rock if unable to remove or remove at your own risk.
80lbs live sand - $20 I will post whatever live rock is left when done.

Pics: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/album.php?albumid=8919

4" Maxima Clam - $60

SPS ------------------------------------------------------------
Monti Red/Orange (Montipora capricornis) - Big $30
Monti Green/Orange (Montipora capricornis) - $20 ea.
Valida Acropora Coral (Acropora valida) - $20
Strawberry Shortcake Acropora (Acropora microclados) - $10
Red Planet (Acropora sp) - $10
Pink Mille (Acropora millepora) - $10
Blue Tort - $10

LPS -------------------------------------------------------------
Maze Brain (Platygyra) - $25
Bubble Coral, Pearl (Physogyra sp.) - BIG $30
Frogspawn (Euphyllia paradivisa) - $20
Red Acan (Acanthastrea lordhowensis) - $30
Green/Purple Acan (Acanthastrea lordhowensis) - $20
Pink Flower Pot Coral (Goniopora sp.) - $20
Tube Coral Orange (Tubastrea aurea) - $10
Red & Green Lobo (Lobophyllia hemprichii) - $40

SOFTIES -------------------------------------------------------
Toadstool Mushroom (Sarcophyton sp.) - $20

POLYPS --------------------------------------------------------
Zoa - Radioactive Dragon Eye (Zoanthus sp.) - $20
Zoa - Eagle Eye (Zoanthus sp.) - $10
Green Star Polyps (Briareum sp.) - AMAZING ROCK $60
White w/ Brown (Palythoa Grandis) - $10
Nuke Green (Protopalythoa sp) - $20

GORGONIANS --------------------------------------------------
Yellow Finger (Diodogorgia nodulifera) - $20
Rusty Gorgonian (Gorgonia sp.) - $20

OTHER ---------------------------------------------------------
Long Tentacle Anemone - $30
Coco Worm - $15
Feather Duster - $10

FISHIES --------------------------------------------------------
2 - Ocellaris Clowns - $20
1 - Lawnmower Blenny - $15
1 - Lyre Tail Anthias - $20
3 - Blue Green Chromis - 3 for $5
1 - Midas Blenny - $20
1 - Mandarin Goby - $20
1 - Yellow Tang - $20
10 - Total ------------------

Feel free to text or call 48o-734-0606

Zoa - Radioactive Dragon Eye (Zoanthus sp.) - $20
Zoa - Eagle Eye (Zoanthus sp.) - $10
Monti Red/Orange (Montipora capricornis) - Big $30
FS: Selling all inhabitants from 75g.

Interested in the Long Tentacle Anemone, acros, and your live rock (depending on price)
Interested in the Acans, maze brain, bubble, tube coral, lobo, coco worm, duster and gorgonians...and rock. What equipment will you have for sale?
Also, due to a recent issue with my tank, my frogspawn may be a casualty and would look to replace it if the deal with the original buyer and other poster fall through.
Everything gone except for the sand. I'll keep in water till the end of the day if anyone is interested.