FS: small tanks


New member
I have a few (Perfecto) tanks for sale:

29 gallon brand new, $30

30 long brand new, $30

30 long, used, without top plastic rim, $20

If anyone want all three I'll let them go for $60.

I tried to PM you but your box is full. Please call me at 305-979-7100 so I can make arangments to pick up the 29 on Sunday. I am in Kendall aswell so it will be no problem
i'm assuming the last tank left is the third w/ no top? does this affect the structural integrity of the tank at all?
jessp, I still have two 30 gallons. One has not trim (I don't think this will hurt the structural integrity too much, but ask around I don't want to mislead you), the other is a brand new 30. Let me know if your still interested.
