Full tank breakdown: this thread for Acros Montis Chalices Favias & other hard coral


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Full tank breakdown: this thread for Acros Montis Chalices Favias & other hard coral

Breaking down my 140G tank in preparation for moving into an RV full time. This thread covers most of my hard corals. Other LPS, Softies, Zoas, Shrooms, Leathers etc will follow in a different sale soon. I took a shot at the prices, feel free to PM or reply if you think I am off base and should take a lower offer. To buy: PM, reply here, call or text Jack. 3o5 962 o828. Located at 5838 Collins Ave on Miami Beach. West side of Collins in aqua blue/off white building. All of these are pretty hardy and easy to keep corals. I do not add ANYthing to my tank, not even calcium. I just change water about 25% every three weeks and maintain a moderat to low bioload and good filtration/skimming.

Big bright green Acro, size of a softball, $60. Has exploded in my tank. Kinda fuzzy long polyps, but I don't think its quite to the length of a green slimer.

Huge Orange Monti Cap. bigger than a dinner plate, 16" diameter. Comes with very nice tower like piece of live rock. Even if it breaks apart upon removal, it will fuze back together if properly positioned and supported. $300. I also have several smaller frags like 2" or so around $10. Extremely hardy, easy to grow, and fast growing hard coral.
Top down:


Big yellowish/very pale green pocillopora (?). About 8"x6"x4"tall. $100. Color is very hard to capture with my poor camera skills. I think I have a frag or two of it as well if you don't want the mother colony.

Other side

Big pinkish/orangeish birdsnest, 12"x8"6"tall. $50. This is a big piece of coral, just not the best coloration in my tank with the cheap LEDs. This picture seems to exagerate the color a bit to my eye.

Big piece of fully encrusted War Coral. 3" tall by 2" diameter "tower". In the pic you can see a big knob of the war coral sticking up from the rock on which it has heavily encrusted. I intend to break off that big knob and sell it now, and at a later date I will sell the big hunk of rock with both the war coral and some other things on it. For now, the knob is $100. I will work with you on the price if the frag breaks off smaller than we thought.

Purple and electric green favia/brain (?), 3"x2"x2"tall big piece. Once I lowered it in my tank and repositioned the angle, it really took off and is encrusting heavily. $100.

Sunset monti, encrusting, 1 1/2 wide, 1 inch tall. $35

Huge red and green favia, 8"x5"x6", nearly fully encrusted the entire 5lb rock. $400. Started a few years ago as just the little lump in the top right.
Ponape coral, three frags, $40 (3.5"x2"x2"), $15 (2"x1"x1") and $10 (1"x1"x1"). Only the big one is pictured. I have yet to figure out where to put these for good color, hopefully you will have better luck. This picture does not show the subtle colors well.

Unknown Chalice, Orange eyes, a couple of green eyes, 16+ eyes. 2 inches diameter. $25

Big Spotted pocillopora, 6" diameter, about 4" tall. $50. Has really exploded in my tank. Also have a a couple of small frags for $5.
I think most of your prices are very fair, a couple are really good... wish I was about a month further, I'd take most of the big stony colonies... fragged out they're worth about 4-5 times that. As colonies your prices are good.
Chalice pending sale with back up offers as well. I think I have someone wanting at least one of the ponape, not sure which one. Everything else available.
Purple and electric green favia/brain (?), 3"x2"x2"tall big piece. Once I lowered it in my tank and repositioned the angle, it really took off and is encrusting heavily. $100.

Is an awesome deal it's actually a micromussa possibly blue meanie tyree le
Holy cow stevejrnc thanks! I just did a google search for "blue meanie tyree" and the very first result was the RC sale thread for the person (ladybug5234) I bought the original frag from 19 months ago! Man that little $25 frag has exploded in my tank.
Still Available:
Big bright green Acro, size of a softball, $60. Frags available too.
Huge Orange Monti Cap. bigger than dinner plate, 16" diameter. $300. Frags available too.
Big yellowish/very pale green pocillopora (?). About 8"x6"x4"tall. $100. Frags available too.
Big piece of fully encrusted War Coral. 3" tall by 2" diameter "tower". $100.
Tyree Blue Meanie micromussa, purple and green, (I mislabeled it a favia in the original post). 3"x2"x2"tall big piece. $100.
Sunset monti, encrusting, 1 1/2 wide, 1 inch tall. $35
Huge red and green favia, 8"x5"x6", $400.
Ponape coral, two frags left, $15 (2"x1"x1") and $10 (1"x1"x1").
Big Spotted pocillopora, 6" diameter, about 4" tall. $50. frags available too.

Sold: orange/pinkish birdsnest, orange eye chalice, big ponape frag