Full tank sale: LPS, Leathers, Softies, Anemones, Plates, etc


New member
Continueing my for sale threads as I get my pictures in order. This thread covers most of my LPS, Leathers, Softies, Anemones, Plates, etc. SPS/other hard coral, and the Zoas/pallys and Shrooms are in seperate threads.
I took a shot at the prices, feel free to PM or reply if you think I am off base and should take a lower offer.
To buy: PM, reply here, call or text Jack. 3o5 962 o828. Located at 5838 Collins Ave on Miami Beach. West side of Collins in aqua blue/off white building.

Big Pagoda, flat, about 8" diameter, $75.

Red Bubble Tip Anemones. These are a bit unique in that they have some cool striations on them. They have split a number of times, I think I have sold about six over the last few years. Two available, though you may have to be patient about picking them up until I have a chance to sell the clown fish hosting them, and have enough of my coral out of the way such that I feel comfortable pulling out the rock they are attached to. $40 each.

Purple and aqua green plate coral, 3" diameter, $30

Larger but less purple plate coral, mouth and skirt are purple: 4" diameter, $20

Big rock covered in Frogspawn, six seperate corals totalling over 25 heads. These came from two different frogspawns, three are noticably brighter than the other three. Mounted on a large flat piece of live rock that works very well as a shelf or vertical mounter. $75
All lights:

Only blue lights:

Hammer coral, 8-10 heads, size of a soft ball when extended. $25

Electric green trumpet/candy cane coral, three heads. $15. This picture does not do it justice, this is extremely bright green.

Green trumpet, 30+ heads, $25. Very hardy easy to grow.
Dendro, 2 heads, one pretty small though, $10.

Toadstool leather. 3" diameter head, 3" long stalk. Used to be big, salad plate sized. Seems to have withered in my tank. I never can keep Xenia or GSP either, so must have some sort of trace element missing. Hopefully you will have better luck. $10

Black stalk, green tipped Torch, about 10 heads. Doesnt look like much until the white lights go out, then it pops. Blue light picture does not capture it at all well. $50
All lights:

Blue lights only:

Green stalk, pink tipped torch. 3-4 heads. $15
All lights, picture doesnt quite capture it:

Only blue lights:

Bright green big rock anemone. 4"+ diameter. Buyer will need to be patient about pick up since I need to clear out a bunch of stuff before I dig out the rock it's on. $15

Big white rock anemone. 4" diameter. Buyer will need to be patient about pick up since I need to clear out a bunch of stuff before I dig out the rock it's on. $15

Red and green acan, faded, about 6 heads, $10. This was much brighter when I bought it, but I never figured out where to place it for healthy growth and color. Hopefully you will ahve better luck. The picture exagerates the color a bit, it is quite faded.
Damn you, those are perfect to completely fill my 12 long.

I would take all those hammers and torches in a heartbeat if we didn't spend $4200 for a new A/C and $1100 in vet bills this past month.

Nice pieces and great prices.
Update before I go to bed:
Available: Pagoda, both plate corals, toadstool leather, both torch's.
Pending sale: Both RBTAs, both rock anemones, frogspawn, hammer, both trumpets, Dendros, Acan.
In case you miss your other thread, I just got the call my tank is in, I bought the live rock, will pick that up tomorrow... would this weekend be too long to hold the things I wanted?
Only things left from this thread:
- The larger of the two plate corals (price reduced: $15)
- Toadstool leather (price reduced: $5)

Everything else sold or pending sale.
Osteo, Just hit a snag... got the tank home and the seam is leaking. I feel awful having you keep the corals, just wanted to let you know now so you can find them homes. I have a friend that I'm emailing your links to, she may jump in and help you get rid of them. I'll let you know what happens.
No worries. Keep in touch and let me know when your ready, if I still have items then maybe we can make a sale.

Electric green trumpet candy cane back available.