furan 2 for zoa pox on Purple Hornets


New member
i have a nice mini colony of purple hornets that have zoapox.my question is,i only have bulk[not packets]of furan 2,so what would be the dosage to a gallon of water?i cant find an answer to exactly how much is in one packet to break it down that way.thanks in advance for any help.
Thi is not a scientific answer by any means, but in my experience with the stuff I dont think it matters a whole lot. the stuff isnt dangerous and I would have no reservations about following these directions myself

imagine the shade of medium/medium light colored iced tea and mix it to that shade of green

hth :)
flyyyguy..wassup! I would go to the yellow color of an alk test kit. I do not think you can over do it...but I would QT if you have other polyps. good luck