garage sale


SWFMAS Event Coordinator
I've finally decided to clean out the garage. Two car garage and I can't even get one car in it. I've got some old misc. junk I need to get rid of.

Partial list

Overflows (2 or 3, I can't remember)
Penguin 330 filters
Whisper power filter parts (not the motors, new boxes and tops)
A couple of small tanks
Lots of misc parts for air pumps and power filters.

My ex used to be an assistant manager at one of the pet superstores . They did inventory one week and she brought home 2 big boxes of stuff they weren't going to sell.

What do you guys think of having a big garage sale/swap for aquarium supplies. Most of my stuff will be free. I just want it out of the garage.
I am not "allowed" to go to any more garage sales or actions.:D
My garage is like yours, I also need to liquidate. I'll just end up buying more stuff.