I hoping it will have a bit more horse power to do a better web server and be able to change the password without recompiling the code. So far I think it doesn't like laggy internet too well. lol I can get it to work most of the time. Just my internet where I am is a bit sluggish and it doesn't load right sometimes and seems to get it all confused because of that.
Haven't really followed much except to look at some pictures of your deathbox and was tempted to post pics of mine but chickened out. My deathbox's brains are of the beaglebone black variety so horsepower got plenty... i originally tried to use a fez panda 2, but that was seriously lacking in the power and i would have had to build the server stuff too (instead of just installing LAMP...).
No fancy custom board, all separate solutions from the net except for a couple of things tacked onto a protoshield of the BBB. All boards communicate via i2c though so lots of room to expand, externally at least... the box is pretty much packed.
My deathbox has 8 relays on a board with 10 outlets (2 being pairs), 16 channel pwm board (leds), a small motor drive (dosers), and 1w sensor hookups; 5V & 12V wallwart, 24V and 120VAC pass throughs just to keep things interesting and somehow a tiny 10 buck usb wifi dongle still can talk its way out of the box and give me my stats.
Though about adding a ph probe/board (atlas one can talk via i2c as i understand...) but my 'face' of the box is pretty much out of room. Might need a new box, or break the thing down into separate boxes some day. Would be nice to stop calling it a deathbox (most accurate name) some day if mains was actually separated into its own thing. Not sure how i2c would like being broken apart like that though...
Interface end is worked on when the mood strikes and i find something lacking. Recently i decided to add my heaters as a controlled relay, which took my temps to this:
From this (don't mind the last bit, thats the same as above zoomed out):
The heating/cooling control of the relays isn't that fancy (and thinking about it some its missing some important fail safes, like if it didn't get a temp reading...) and i don't really know what code for that usually entails but mine is a simple latch, if its too cold turn on, stay on till too hot, and the reverse, or in cooling cases the reverse of both. No cooked fish yet!