geo 6x18 reactor


Rimless Reef Club
unfornuantly at the last minute i was unable to attend macna and look first person at the geo reactor. this weekend my uncle wants to order it though so i was wondering what you think the best setup would be for it just to make sure.
dose all that look good? do i need anything eles? also what media do you recommend with this? thanks

btw anything even got from you guys have been great and that is why we continue to use you. we just today received our tunze osmolator. cant wait to set it up. thanks
Everything looks great! If this is going on a system less than 200 gallons, then you might even take a look at going with the 612 rather than the 618. It will save you a few bucks that you can put into livestock! :)

As far as media goes Geo, as well as Premium Aquatics, highly recommends the larger grain Gen-X and Carib Sea media. This is the same media that Schuran uses. Here are the links to our website....


We can do the CaribSea brand for the same price as the Gen-X since we are currently out of stock on that right now as well.

system is 250gals thats y we are going with the 6x18 i guess well get the c-arm is its in stock but how many lbs is in it and how much do you need to fill the reactor
Those are 10lbs containers, same as the Gen-x media. You will want to go with two of the containers to get you going. You will have a little left from the second container.

got ya. do you need any special tubbing to connect everything together? i can get tubing for pumps ect but what about to connect the co2 ect?
The reactor comes with about 3' of tubing for the co2, effluent, and feed pump. If you will need more than that you will want to buy some extra though.