Georgia Aquarium...Check It out!

I was wondering who bought Fliger's old skimmer.

I wonder if everyone in Georgia got in on that group buy!

"Free shipping for orders over 1 beluga whale."

We went there a couple months ago. Truly an amazing place. They did a great job on everything.








I would love to go there sometime soon. It's interesting that they say the aquarium only uses about as much water per day as a supermarket. I think my main concern would be that it uses as much electricity per day as a small city :)
those are some nice photos. I am always fascinated by the jelly fish tanks. Does anyone here keep jellyfish or know anything about it? I wouldn't mind giving it a shot someday.
The jelly tanks were very cool. I could have done without the changing light colors, but it did illustrate just how transparent they are. There was a big crowd around them all the time.
Reef safe or safe with seahorses? Available in the trade? They're really cool.
We are going there in June. My brother lives in Atlanta and is getting married. We are also hitting 6 flags!! woo hooo!!!
Yes, they had a couple of of whale sharks, and I think five Belugas. The Belugas were particularly fascinating, as they had just learned a new game. One whale came up with it, and then taught two others. They'd pick up air from the surface and then blow a bubble ring downward into the water, and they'd follow it, nose at it, then finally burst it. Amazing. Here's a video, it was hard to capture anything good since it was very dark in their area.

It's 41MB, so dialup users beware.