Georgia Aquarium visit pictures and video


New member
I went to the Georgia Aquarium yesterday and we had a great time. Well worth the money, great way to spend a day. I had a blast of course but the big surprise was my 15 month old kid seemed to have more fun than me! Here is a video from my iphone of him when he first walked into the reef tank room. There was a diver in the tank doing some cleaning and feeding at the time and he was dressed as santa.

Ill post the pictures as soon as I get them downloaded. Got a couple of good ones with my kid and santa.
Neat video! Thanks for sharing - I'd never seen that display. It's kind of sobering to see tangs swimming in schools much like (I presume) they do in the wild.
Pictures as promised:)




We had a really good time there. We live in central Florida and have been to all the attractions and have really gotten pretty numb with this sort of thing. I was down right dissapointed and frustrated with our visit to Sea World, it was pretty boring and quite a rip off. The Georgia Aquairium was a pleasure every step of the way, and innexpensive. I cant remember the last time I had goose bumps that much. When I chased my son into the reef tank room in the video I almost teared up. He loves my tank at the house so much, and when he saw that amazing setup and all the fish, he was as exited as me. Pretty cool.