Getting an anemone off your glass


New member
I been trying to get this RTBA to come off my glass so i can give it to Cass ..... anyone have any ideas on how to go bout doing that without hurting it ..... i tried nudging it a bit to get it to let go but I dont want to hurt it
You could use a credit card and gently try to get underneath it to get it started, and then use your finger to gently pry it away from the glass.
I like to use one of those spatulas made for nonstick pans that have a little edge to them. The edge is smoother and even thinner than a credit card and is a little easier to slip up under them.
Cathy method works great, I have used it to move the anemone of of rock as well. The trick is to just go slow and take your time.
I PRAY you did not use Dave's method to remove the stubborn anenome! I am back in town from the "war". Give a call and maybe we can set-up the adoption for tomorrow!