Getting back in after 20 years. My Biocube HQi. Some reviews for the newbies.


New member
Hi all,

I first started with saltwater tanks about 20 years ago when I got my first part time job at 18. All I wanted was a damsel, clownfish and some coral. But back then, the minimum tank size to be successful was at least 50-70 gallons. So I went ahead and got a 75 gallon tank. Got a big sump wet/dry that had a spinning dishwasher type sprayer that spread water over bioballs. Along with some daylight and actinic bulbs, a venturi skimmer I was off. Little did I know I was building a nitrate factory lol. No internet back then so it was all word of mouth and whatever I read in books and magazines. (yep, we read books back then lol)

Needless to say, the first few months were great and everyone did well but after the first year, doing 25% water changes in a 75 gal tank became tiresome. I was in college so needless to say, although the anemones, hammer/plate/gonieapora were happy, the rest of the tank was an algae farm. So after some serious partying and lettng everything turn brown, I decided to give my stuff away.

A marriage and two kids later, one of my girls asks me, "can we get a pet?" Off to Petco we go :) As I'm waiting for the girls to pick out a betta, I'm perusing the isle for a little tank and then what do I see? A biocube! What is this?? I must buy one! Before buying it, I decide to see if setting up the betta tank (2.5 gal) would be fun. It was! :) So I quickly jump on the web, google biocube, find this site, and a few days later the shipment of goodies arrives.

After reading forums here and there, I get the following:

29G Biocube HQI, stand, Oceanic UV serilizer, AquaticLife mini skimmer 115, Koralia power head, Phoenix bulb (gotta have the blue) fiji pink sand, Chemi pure, seachem purigen, cheato from ebay, maridel test strips, oceanic salt, refractometer, Mighty Mite RO/DI filter

Here's a quick rundown of what happened.

Day one. Setup. Filling water.


Day 2.
Put in shrimp and began to wait and test. fingers tapping.

Day 3
Arggh, I couldn't wait so very noob like, I went and got three damsels :)

Day 5

Cycle finally started to kick in. No spikes yet but one damsel, dissappeard and the other which didn't look all that great from day one was stuck on the intak. The third was chillin. Some diatoms show up so I order a cuc from reef cleaners. Chaeto arrives. I put it in the fuge.


The beautiful pictures and youtube vids on the web are drivng me nuts! So quickly I ordered a coral pack from Petsolutions ( Everything shipped alive so no worries w them) and then boom, diatom bloom. Luckly I ordered end of week because they don't ship fri. During the weekend, nitrites and nitrates went nuts. Diatoms were loving it so I let it get as brown as I could so they can use up the silicates.

Day 14

Corals arrive. Luckily I was waiting for a contractor so I was around when the UPS guy arrives. Just in time to put the corals in a diatom soup :( Feeling bad, I put in the chemi pure and the purigen into the fuge.

Day 16

CUC arrives, quickly dump them in. I went with the 10 gal pack because the 25 gal pack w 40 snails just seemed like too many for a 29 gal. Luckily I did because the 10 gal pack I orderd came with like 40 snails :)


Day 19 (Today)

The cuc went to work fast, they really sift that sand. Along with the chemi pure and purigen, most of the algae subsided miracoulously within 2 days. I did a 10% water change yesterday as well.



All the while, Moonie my kids betta was just chillin. 2.5G minibow, Ultrasun bulb, plants gravel and background from petco. Took 15 min to setup. Unlike the biocube this was easy, fun and stress free.


Here are my quick reviews of what I used.

Biocube HQI
+all in one
- didn''t like the stock bulb and not a fan of the bowfront

+works well
-had to remove the bottom bracket and jam it in. leaks some bulbs

+it's growing so it's doing something
-slow. better for established tanks.chemi pur and purigen work way faster

+works fast
- can't recharge chemipure

UV sterilizer
+works I think
- you can't look at the bulb so can't prove that it's even on.

Phoenix bulb
+corals like it. gives a blue tint
-not cheap

koralia phead
+small and has a magnet
-none really

mardel test kit
+strips are super easy to use
-none really

+super accurate. comes calibrated three drops in close lid and look
- I use my reg hydrometer to mix for ballpark and usually good enough

MightyMte RO/DI
+Super easy setup and faucet adapter to use in any bathroom sink. 0ppm
-painfully slow. Using warm water would quickly cool by the time there was enough
water. Luckily I have heated floors so the bucket gets heated. Otherwise, I'd be tempted
to mix in hot tap water.
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have alot of water change water ready just in case. You MAY have rushed it a wee bit, and you MAY see an ammonia spike. If this happens, i would say to preserve the life you already added, do pretty substantial water changes. or you MAY have gotten pretty well cured and live sand/rock and you will only experience a mini cycle (which MAY just result in cyano and diatoms).


watch your water carefully.

looks good though :D

Oh, and can you send a full tank shot of your freshwater? im into planted tanks as well. or is that just a really good background that makes it look planted?
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Looks good for how rushed the setup was!! Hopefully everything pulls through :)

You can verify your UV is on by using a digital camera, most CCD's and CMOS image sensors are sensitive to UV.
don't mean to be one of those rc jerks, but you really rushed this setup. Did you have the skimmer, and uv light on when you were trying to cycle it?
Thanks for the tips Hydro, Yes, I rushed it and if anyone is going to be called a jerk, it would be me if it goes bad. But so far, everything has zero'ed out and everyone looks happy. Problem is, although it was great that the guys at Reef Cleaners really hooked me up with so many snails, there is almost no diatoms left. It's almost completely gone so I'm afraid the snails are not going to do too well. The snails are no roving over corals looking for algae so I'm always having to take them off. I did have the skimmer and the UV on. Not sure if I was supposed to.

As for the planted tank, it's only a 2.5g minibow with an ultra sun light a little bit of substrate 2 live plants and a yes a very nice background :thumbsup:from petco. My SLR did most of the work as you can see in the std pic of the full tank. :dance:

Looks good for how rushed the setup was!! Hopefully everything pulls through :)

You can verify your UV is on by using a digital camera, most CCD's and CMOS image sensors are sensitive to UV.

Good tip but what do I do? Do I take a pic of the UV itself in the fuge and look for a halo or something or do I have to take it out?
that's why it wasn't cycling. you need to have the skimmer, and im pretty sure the uv off also, and just run mechanical filtration. Well what's done is done eventually your bacteria will catch up you should be fine just keep an eye on it. the purigen, and chemipure combo does wonders. just add livestock slowly
that's why it wasn't cycling. you need to have the skimmer, and im pretty sure the uv off also, and just run mechanical filtration. Well what's done is done eventually your bacteria will catch up you should be fine just keep an eye on it. the purigen, and chemipure combo does wonders. just add livestock slowly

Oh well. Thanks for the tip. Yeah no more fish. Seems crowded already in a 29 gal tank w 2 fish