Getting back into reefing! Day 10


New member
Day ten of me getting back into the hobby and starting up a tank. So far I have a 36" x 18" x 18" tempered glass tank with a 25 gallon sump with dual overflow. Inside the sump there is filter foam, live rock, and lots of bio balls. I am also running a magnum 350 canister for extra filtration. I'm using an instant ocean 100 cyclone skimmer, a 1600gph magnet mounted power head, and a hydor heater. I've got 120 to 150 lbs of pukani and Fiji (I thinkits Fiji) live rock with tons of good stuff growing on it and a bunch of base rock as well. Also 40 to 60 lbs of live sand. For lighting I'm using a four bulb 24" T5HO 50/50 and a Fluval daylight and actinic LED panel. I'm gonna get a hydra 26 once I get paid next Tuesday. For livestock I have a Kenya tree (just to test for a week or so if the water is suitable), a flame hawkish, a yellow tang, dottyback, and a clown and a big hermit. I am going to meet up with a guy soon who is selling me a frag if space monsters, utter chaos, rastas, vivid stingers, tubbs blue, blow pops, fire and ice, and lastly scrambled eggs. What other corals do you guys recommend? I defiantly want some gsp, xenia, and a carpet