Getting out sale


Well the time has come. The wife approved a movie room in our basement where I was gonna put the tank so this has got to go as I can only have one really expensive hobby.
Located in Columbus/Mansfield, NJ 08022

Prices are negotiable for bulk buys, otherwise pretty firm.
No delivery, but I can help you load the tanks into a truck.

shoot me a text six-zero-nine-423-9670
I will randomly be checking PMs, but text is the best place to get a hold of me quickly.

all non RR Tanks that hold water, need to be cleaned.
$50 takes ALL the tanks & the stand except the nanocube & stand.





There's also a 20G Bowfront & stand that the previous owner of the house left me. that's thrown in as well.

Ai Prime (non HD)
Mars Aqua 36" 300W full spectrum LED

36" no name brand 5 bulb T5 fixture, needs new bulbs

Pumps, Skimmers, etc:

12G nanocubeDX with hood, return, & filter insert. (bulbs have ~5mo on them, but I'd retro an LED into the hood if I were you)
$40 Pending

Reef octopus classic 160 int space saver skimmer with brand new pump (used for 1 month before breaking it all down)
$75 Pending

Mag18(used for 1 year)
$50 Pending

Jecod DC 50W return pump with controller(I believe it's the DCT-4000 or DCT-6000 but I'll get actual model # when I get home& update):
$40 Sold

Tom Aquatics Pro Series Surface Skimmer Overflow Box

2x Jebao RW-8
$25ea Sold

Koralia 850
$5 or free with anything else on the list Sold

There's probably more, but I can't think of anything else off the top of my head.
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