Getting Reefin’ Again

Hi all,
I was an active reefer on the forum about 15 years ago (wish I remembered my old login for this site - admin can you look it up based on my old email address I no longer can access?) and I am getting back in the game with a new set up. I’ve been scouring the forum and since my old stand by, all glass aquarium, doesn’t exist anymore I was thinking of an Innovative, Waterbox or Tenecor. From what I’ve read, Tenecor looks like a good option for their 120. Are there any other options I should be looking at? I love that I can get the tank, stand and sump as a package (although it looks like bio balls aren’t a thing anymore)!
Can’t wait to get going again!
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Welcome back. First, I believe @JohnL should be able to help you recover your old user name.

As far as acrylic tanks, I've only owned one acrylic tank in the decades I've kept sw/reef tanks and it was a custom built 450 gallon from James at Envision Acrylics. James does a fantastic job building tanks if you're looking to go custom. For off the shelf tanks, I really can't comment since I haven't owned any other acrylic tanks.
Just from what I’ve seen (no direct personal experience), Tenecor can have 50/50 customer service, but is excellent quality. Sometimes the service is prompt other times not so prompt. I hope this helps some.
I’m currently leaning towards the Waterbox Infinia Reef 190 or the Infinia Frag 175. I like that the frag is a foot longer, but am unsure if the fact it’s a little shallower would prevent me from keeping a couple of tangs as part of my display. Any advice?

Tank is also going on the second floor, but Waterbox said that shouldn’t be an issue as it only comes into play usually on systems 300 gallons plus.
The 190 is 136 gallons. The Frag 175 is 119 gallons. Both of those will limit the type and number of tangs you can keep.