Getting Rid of Dictyota

Please put seaweed in a zip lock bag, place box in a card board box and send by fedex priority overnight morning delivery. Fedex has flat boxes that you can use, make sure you mark priority overnight morning delivery in the form. If you are sending on a Friday, mark "Saturday" delivery, if you dont they will deliver the following Monday.
Please email me at, I will give you a fedex account number and mailing address.
Appreciate your help very much.
You should have an email from my gmail account. Do I need to pack it specially to keep it preserved/alive?

This stuff is super hard to kill so I am guessing not!

Also, if you find the magic bullet for killing it let me know.
no luck yet huh? Certain types of dictyota can be a real pain. Others are harmless and easily pruned back. With so many species of dictyota, it would be great if you could id this pest Sunfish. I have id books as well, if you want to post a pic Logozor.
Here is an old pic when it was out of control. This stuff smells noxious out of the water.

I have this algae too and boy it is about ruining my hobby.

I got this in a 30G cube. it is the ONLY algae in tank. Here is a list of critters currently/in past for algae control:

1: Tuxedo urchin (currently): Does not touch the stuff... picks it up to put on his back though, spreading it further...grrr

2: Nicaraguan Pygmy sea hare (past): Does not touch the stuff

3: Emerald crabs (current): doesnt touch the stuff

4: Asst Hermits (current): Nope

5: Nasarius, cerith, Mexican turbo, trochus, astrea (ninja and reg), margherita, chestnut turbo snails (all current): Nope nope and nope

6: Baby Naso tang (past): Ate every single cell of it from the tank. 2 weeks after he was removed due to job well done, came back full force.

I got sick and tired of it after the naso incident, and removed all rock that had it, and all tank items were removed and bleached if infected (pumps, valves, tubes, grates etc.) And it was GONE for about a month

So i have stripped bare rock and tank with no coraline to speak of due to emeralds and urchin, and yet this stuff is STILL COMING BACK in patches!


I am at wits end. Seriously if you see this stuff, take the rock/coral that it is on and throw it out the window A.S.A.P. im dead serious this is the worst macro algae i have ever seen, and i WORK at a lfs!!!

My next action i think is to bring all of my rock and infected corals into work and stick them in the algae eater tank crawling with hundreds of emeralds for 2 days and then we will see.

I told my GF that if it showed up again i would sell the tank, and she wont let me :(
I got rid of it in my display by a combination of manual removal and scrubbing the rock out of the tank. Now it's just in my overflow :/
Having the same issues here with my Red Sea max, the dicyota was has been long run and I am still loosing. Completely fed up with the situation so much so I have just ordered a new Red Sea max nano and am going to start again. Shame I have to scrap all my corals just going to transfer my fish.