GHA overgrowing refugium


New member
I started a refugium in my Red Sea 350 sump. I am using the new Kessil H160 at 100%. I have been running it for about a month.

I see very good results as far as keeping the nitrates and phosphates down. Nitrates are at about 2 ppm and my phosphates are at 0.024528 ppm.

So you can say that it is working, but the refugium with chaeto does not look like any refugium I have seen online. The chaeto is growing slowly and it is overgrown with green hair algae.

Is that normal when starting? Anything I need to be doing to make it better - cleaner?
I recon it might be the flow or low light. But hey its working.. you might want to remove the algae time to time to avoid chaeto dying due to lack of light.

What you can do is trim the chaeto to tennis ball size and see how its growing.

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