well to give you an example.
We sold our 3 bed house for 200,000 GBP and purchased a NEW 4 bed 3,500sqft detached house with full basement and double garage overlooking stunning protected countrside, no more than 15 minutes from the capital of Canada (Ottawa) and this cost us with ALL upgrades (wood floors, hot tub, air conditioning etc etc) $352,000 so on the rate at the time cost is 156,000 GBP!!!!!!!
So swapped out a pocky 900sqft for 3,500 for 50K less!
Cost of living and wages are comparible although petrol is less than half price

This is on the East coast, West Coast is a whole different ball game
The biggest bonus is the tranquility of living, calm pace, most relaxed people on earth and everyone is your friend. The air is so crisp and fresh and the winters are awsome, you have to experience minus 32 to understand what i mean, but on the back side the summers match that of the carribean from June to September.
Work, there are more jobs than people over here, employment in most sectors is very strong (other than car industry)
Worth the move