Ghost Cardinals... or not?


New member
Hi - First time poster here! Many google searches have led me here and Reddit just doesn't seem to cut the mustard, so here I am.

I'm struggling a bit with the ID of these fish. They were sold as 'Ghost Cardinals' but once I started to read about them I began to doubt this. First off, here's some pictures of the fish that we have:





Initial searches for 'Ghost Cardinal' point to Apogon Leptacanthus, which upon further investigation doesn't seem to be right. This is what A. Leptacanthus actually looks like:


The Caudal fin is completely different, as is the colouring. There's no blue spot on our fish, just a lovely blue/green pearlescent tint.

Can anybody help? Just do a google image search for 'Ghost Cardinalfish' and you'll see that they're very different to what we have :crazy1:
Both of you - Thanks! Those are exactly what we have, we're going to pick up another 5 tomorrow so I'll be sure to let the shop know what they have actually sold to us.

Sorry for not knowing this, I can ID tropical fish no problem but this is my first reef tank. Doh!
Something else to take up with the store keeper, if they sold you the blue/green chromis as "Ghost Cardinals" then I'm sure they charged you a premium because the fish you have typically, depending on size, sell anywhere between $3.99-$5.99.
I'd take what they say with a grain of salt in the future. That's not a unique/rare fish which might be hard to ID...quite the opposite.