ghost shrimp locally?


The OG mad scientist
Looking for a steady supplier for ghosts. I know exotic carries them anybody else. Thx for the help.
When I can't catch them off my dock, I buy mine from Lucy at The Fish Net, a little freshwater store that's been there for 40 yrs. on Andrews Ave. just 1 block south of Prospect Rd. They also carry live brine. Check them out! Nice people.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11659156#post11659156 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by prideprops
When I can't catch them off my dock, I buy mine from Lucy at The Fish Net, a little freshwater store that's been there for 40 yrs. on Andrews Ave. just 1 block south of Prospect Rd. They also carry live brine. Check them out! Nice people.

I believe I've seen them at big als- alittle closer to me thx for the help.
i can catch them by the thousands manny, i havent done it for a while so im sure theres tons. if i can get off early today ill try to get a bunch and bring them to the meeting tonight
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11659217#post11659217 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by scubasteve247
i can catch them by the thousands manny, i havent done it for a while so im sure theres tons. if i can get off early today ill try to get a bunch and bring them to the meeting tonight
Hey keith thxbut I won't be making the meeting tonight since I'm on call.
BTW where do u collect them.
any canal or pond should have them .. you have to hit the spots that have algae or grass as they like to live in it. Get a big bait net that you can dip and go to town .
I always see them at Pets Unlimited in Coral Springs.
The only time I went there and they were out, I just stopped over at Big Al's who also always seems to have them for about the same price.
I'll buy 60-70 at a time and keep them in a 10g that's setup just for them and repeat when they start to run low.

As much fun as it sounds to go "fishing" for them, it's just so much easier to stop on my way home as I drive right by the store.
It is alot of fun fishing for them and time wise, it's quicker for me to pluck them out of the canal then to drive to a lfs. Also, because they're coming out of a brackish canal, they will last longer in the seahorse tank (they aren't the fastest eaters) than shrimp that are coming out of a freshwater tank.

C'mon, it's the adventure of the capture!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11659748#post11659748 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gasman059
Hey keith thxbut I won't be making the meeting tonight since I'm on call.
BTW where do u collect them.

Lol Manny, you call EVERYONE Keith :p

It even gives you his name
its kyle!, lol.

i catch all the ghost shrimp in my back yard. i live on a ocean access/ brackish water canal, and at the right tide. theres thousands.

i use a large pool net attached to a 15 foot pole. and i have a floating dock and kayak's that i use. mainly the floating dock since its the easiest to work off of. whats nice is some are really small. sizes are from 1.5" to 1/8"!!! perfect size for pipes and seahorses
i dropped about 50 i caught during the 15 min i stop at home before i go in to work at the store.

so they have them there in the pipefish tank.

but ill be catching a lot more possibly tomorrow and thursday.
maybe i should bring a tone of them to the swap. there awesome just to put in fuges or w.e theres a few that live in my reef. i fed them to my wrasses and i guess they escaped into my xenia garden they've gotten to a decent size now and just act as part of the clean up crew. they release eggs occasionally as well which im sure the tank loves
kyle/keith/steve/erik- the alzheimers acts up once in a while

Hey buddy thx I will stop by. BTW I'll bring a frag and leave it in the sps tank.