Giant green hairy mushroom


New member
Hey guys. I recently bought a giant mushroom, and it wasn't atattched to a rock. After putting it in my tank, it shriveled a little and closed up on its underside. I was thinking of gluing it to a piece of rock, but I wanted advice? Should I just let it go and see if it picks a spot? Or glue it myself? And what type of glue do you use? Thanks.
I don't think you'll be able to glue it. It will just slime itself off the glue. I would either lightly rubberband it to a rock until it attaches or place it in an area of low flow so it can attach on it's own. sem-expensive mushroom has attatched itself to a rock in a very good hiding spot.... Unless he decides he wants to move more towards the light, I guess this was a good lesson- plan ahead.