Giesemann Megachrome Coral 250w 14,5k DE


New member
I heard that u received a shipment of Giesemann Megachrome Coral 250w 14,5k DE but I dint see any Giesemann bulbs on ur website. I was wondering whatââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s the price and if they are any good bulbs compeer to radiums, ushios with growth and coloration?

Yes, we received them this week, i got them online last night:

We have not did any test with them, but looks like a super nice bulb. At the trade show (IMAC) Tunze was running 14.5K on there display tank and looked really nice. I would say Giesemann and Aquaconnect would be the two best bulbs available. We should have more Aquaconnect in hopefully 1-2 weeks.

I've run the AC 14k DE, Megachrome Marine, and Megachrome Corals (received mine yesterday) and color/intensitywise, the Corals bulb is my favorite.

The color is not very different compared to the Marine bulb, but it makes the water and corals look obviously more crisp. When I put my hand directly under the bulb, outside of the water, you can easily see that the Marine bulb looks more yellow, and the Corals bulb more blue.

I'm greatly relieved that Giesemann didn't put out a bulb that makes your water look really blue. There are so many of these bulbs out on the market already.

Of the 3, the AC 14k is my least favorite.

I should mention that I ran all 3 bulbs on a Giesemann electronic ballast, so your results will vary.