Gift cards and lighting question?


New member
Do you guys do gift cards? I won $100 at work and they give it to any company of my choice that does gift cards.

Also I was wondering how the new Current Nova T5 units compare to the TEK systems.

Are they single reflectors?
We do gift certificates, but we don't have the ability to do gift cards at this time.

The nova extreme from current lags behind the tek light in one big area. The tek light has individual parabolic reflectors on each lamp; whereas, the nova has 1 reflector. This greatly reduces the amount of light that makes it into your tank. I like to compare the Nova to the Orbit PC fixtures from Current. They're very similar in light output.
eclecticvibe said:
We do gift certificates, but we don't have the ability to do gift cards at this time.

The nova extreme from current lags behind the tek light in one big area. The tek light has individual parabolic reflectors on each lamp; whereas, the nova has 1 reflector. This greatly reduces the amount of light that makes it into your tank. I like to compare the Nova to the Orbit PC fixtures from Current. They're very similar in light output.

I thought that was correct about the lights.

So you could send a gift certifcate that could be used online or over the phone?