Given shrooms and need some advice


New member
Hey all. I was give a piece of shell that has about 6 mushrooms on it. They are deep maroon with green stripes in them. I would like to get them off of the shell and onto my LR. How would I go about doing this? Also, what is the best placement for mushrooms. I've got 4 T5 bulbs and my tank is 17" from sand to water surface. The lights are 7" higher. I've got pretty good flow through most of the tank and most levels.

Thanks for the suggestions and help.
Sit the shell at the base of the live rock and let them replicate. In six months you'll be back asking how to get them out of the tank. :)

Lower light is fine, in your tank it likely means just about anywhere and they'll adapt.

Thanks for the advice Jeff. I think I'm going to try the LR rubble method in a cup. That way I can try and contain them to the rock I put them on. As far as my light goes, I've actually got a high PAR half way down and pretty good on the bottom. I've got a Pocillopora and a Red Monti Cap at the top and they have both doubled in size in a month.

Another question though, is will they grow on the sand as well or do they prefer a harder more solid substrate?
In my experience, they will grow on the sand if thats what you want, but the current tends to send them around clutching onto a minute amount of said sand. Eventually they'll find a place they like and hold on.