Glass cleaning tricks


New member
what's your glass cleaning trick around the tight space between the SPS colony and glass? Without breaking them.
yea, I would just break it. But it's a big Red Dragon Colony and whole thing will come lose if I try to break it. I clipped the part i can reach....
I used credit cards to scrape the window but they are too soft.
The agony of success. You are doing well and stuck with that dilemma. Sounds like you are going to have to trim. Based on my experience, every time the bone cutters enter the tank, not quite sure if I'll end up with frags or half the colony. And with a red dragon which probably has very little encrusting base, you are indeed correct, be prepared for the colony to come off the rock. Oh, the joys....
I'm constantly making red dragon frags every time I look at my tank. That and when my female clown goes after food or when an emerald crab walks over it(now he's in the back chamber until I find him a new home).
I use three inch long razor blades from Home Depot. I hold one end of the blade and reach in from one side, then reach in from the other side. This usually does the trick.
Think its less than $5 for a three pack. I also use them for making frags of softer corals, and cutting the stick of epoxy.

I got a red dragon frag was that starting to encrust and grow nicely on a little plug. The day came when I was ready to place it, finally..

I pull out the old cutters and holding the plug carefully trim off the stem of the plug. Without so much as breathing on the frag, the frag cracked and fell off in the tank.. I stood there holding the cutters, and the frag plug with the encrusted red dragon base in semi-amazement.

The red dragon is a beautiful coral.. I'm pretty sure it evolved specifically to break as a defense mechanism or something.
Long razor blade sounds good. I'm gonna have to try that. It will be thin enough to get in between the colony and glass. maybe i can break off a few branches without knocking off from the rock.