Cyanoacrylate (super glue) works great. The gel form is even better but once under the water it's workable. And of course there are plenty in the industry that sell it in their own packaging. We use it in the surgical field also. But the 1.99 at Lowe's works and is the same chemical.
Epoxy is such a generic classification... Some aren't that great for our applications.. Some are so strong that you will never break it free..
All depends on which specific type you go with.
If only referring to those plumbers 2 part sticks that smell like a dead grandmas #@$% when you work with them then yes.. Those typically don't bond that well to much when used in water..
Hey guys, good stuff. I bought gorilla super glue gel today, and glued a couple of frags. Skimmer started bubbling like crazy and I had to turn it down. Normal??
Hey guys, good stuff. I bought gorilla super glue gel today, and glued a couple of frags. Skimmer started bubbling like crazy and I had to turn it down. Normal??
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