glueing acylic to glass


New member
well my a pane of glass cracked on my 220 (6x2x2.5).im concidering doing an external overflow on it. how can i glue acylic to glass?
you can make a glass overflow, or internal coast to coast with external dursos.
just options.
i personally wouldnt glue or try to glue acrylic to the back of a glass tank...
I put acrylic pieces in for my dividers in my glass sump by using silicone. BUT I would not have been comfortable doing what u are thinking.
im mostly worried with the bottom of the overflow. how do i drill holes in a 3 inch wide piece of glass with out it breaking?(ive only drilled afew holes in tanks so im pretty new to it)
This question has come up before, and several members have recommended a type of super-bonding glue that I can't remember the name of. You might want to do some searches and pose your question on the DIY forum.
