Gluing rics to rock?


Premium Member
I just received my first order of ricordias from Sea Life and was wondering if I could just super glue gel the polyp to some rubble. I don't want to injure the tissue even if it is on the underside :)

usually doesn't work becuase the soft tissue expands and contracts and the glue doesn't. get a small tupperware container with some rubble or frag plugs in it place the ric on it and cover the container with mesh or wedding veil put it in an low flow area of the tank and it will eventually adhear to the rubble then take it out and place were you want.....just keep and eye on it cause it will adhear to the container also.
Two of the rics I got yesterday from Ken are already attached to the rock. I just set them on the rock and ~10 hours later they are completely attached. Most of the other's I've just set on the rock but the process shown above by Nemo is very good.
Gel glue works pretty well but I have learned from reading other threads that you have to let it set up for around 30 seconds or so before you attach the coral.

I just got some rics from Ken as well and most had a little piece of rock attached to each. I used some LR rubble from my sump to glue glue them to in order to make placement easier in the tank. I dried off the piece of LR, applied the glue, let it set up, and then attached the ric before putting it back in tank water in a tupperware bowl. After about 10 minutes, into the tank with no problems.
I have foudn the key to getting mushrooms(especially rics) to stick when gluing takes a little abusing them

first put a good sized wad of glue on your can sit there for several minutes if its a wad. Then take 10 q-tips and start wiping the slime off of the foot....keep wiping....its still there...keep wiping until the slime isnt there and you can see the flesh.......drop it in the wad of glue and leave on the counter for 15 -30 minutes.

the key is getting that glue to stick to flesh and not slime

a tupperware container riddled with holes and rubble in the bottom is the best way if you arent in a hurry.
The rics from Sea Life actually had a tiny bit of rock attached to their bases so I was able to mount them with super glue gel easily. Thanks for the suggestions, though.