New member
I've had a pink spot goby for approximately 4 months and he has been doing great since the first day we got him. I never had any issues with feeding him, he always came out to eat and he would often come out of his house to see what was happening whenever I would go up to the tank. Now all of a sudden, he wont eat and he wont come out to say hi. Its been 2 days and he stays under the rock. All other tank mates are doing great and my water levels are where they should be so I'm not sure why he is behaving this way. I've also noticed that my cleaner shrimp has been hovering around him alot more lately. My tank and my babies in it are very important to me and I will always do what I have to so that they are comfortable, but right now I'm not sure what that is. Does anyone have any idea if this can be normal for a goby or should I be worried ?