Well, I've made the big (little) decision to set up a 2 1/2 gallon pico. I had been looking for a deal on a small glass tank, saw one at the thrift store for $15 (passed on that one ) and just got one from a friend. I wanted to get it running with the filter for a while, then add liverock and lighting later. I picked up a little Aqua Tech filter for $10 at WalMart...it's nice and a good size, but may be a bit noisy for the bedroom...we'll see. This is rated for a 10g, but I thought more flow would be helpful, as I won't have room for any other sort of power heads.
Here it is in all its glory...with a cat for size comparison...and yes, he actually did drink some of the water...he's a weirdo cat!
I am still debating lighting. I could use a refugium light, or they make a "Mini Aqualight" that looks nice (with half 10k/half actinic bulbs). I'm figuring on only softies, inverts, and maybe one tiny fish, so it should be sufficient.
Here it is in all its glory...with a cat for size comparison...and yes, he actually did drink some of the water...he's a weirdo cat!
I am still debating lighting. I could use a refugium light, or they make a "Mini Aqualight" that looks nice (with half 10k/half actinic bulbs). I'm figuring on only softies, inverts, and maybe one tiny fish, so it should be sufficient.