Sorry guys, it's been waaaay too long since my last update. Over the last month and a half I've had a few ups and downs here and there but I think I'm slowly beginning to dial in and catch a groove. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
I had a battle with cyanobacteria for a time. I did all the customary things like cut my light cycle, reduce feeding and run GFO. I was always getting 0 NO3 and 0 PO4 yet the cyano wouldn't go away. To combat the cyano, I did a bit of research and followed a method laid out by twillard on R 2 R. For two weeks, I dosed 2.2ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide directly into the DT every 12 hours. This works out to be a dosage of 1ml per 10 gallons of water every 12 hours. It seemed to have worked out quite well with no noticeable adverse affects on my livestock.
Equipment wise, I have made a few changes as well. To make room for my dosing lines in chamber 3, I took the GFO reactor offline. In the InTank media basket, I'm running floss, Purigen and 3 tbs of Rox carbon and 1 tbs of high capacity GFO in a media bag (changed out every 2 weeks). I replaced the ReefLink with a WXM, added another EB8, added 2 BRS 1.1ml dosers and bought an Eshopps dual reservoir for calcium and alkalinity solutions.
Livestock wise, I added a sixline wrasse and also purchased an 11 piece SPS frag pack from Reefers Garage and picked up a few SPS frags from Reef A Palooza NYC as well. Among the new frags are a green caulastrea, green M. Digitata, A. Tenuis, pink deepwater acro, purple stylo, M. Setosa, pink birdsnest, staghorn acros. several milleporas and an ORA green birdsnest. I think I'm almost done stocking. I think the last piece I want to add is a Forest Fire Digitata.
My parameters have been quite steady...
Salinity: 1.025
Nitrate: 0
Phospate: 0
Calcium: 440
Alkalinity: 8.83
Magnesium: 1350
I've been dosing about 15ml of BRS 2 part calcium and alkalinity per day every hour. about 5 days in and still testing every day. Not wanting to cause an algae outbreak yet still concerned about starving my frags with 0 NO3 and 0 PO4, I am adding about 3 drops of Polyp Labs polyp booster and a tiny pinch of reef roids once a week. I also feed my acans, caulastrea and duncan Fauna Marin ultra LPS grow & color pellets once a week as well. So far so good.