hey you are all very funy and i love you all. really you are so great.emperor911 dont get me started on you. we could all talk trash on eachothers setups and what we have all done wrong. but isnt the point of this place to help people????????
i remember when emp had 4 large angels and 3 tangs, a total of 25 fish i think in his 210! so u dont get me started.
I think everyone ( yes icluding me ) thinks that they know EVERYTHING. sorry im just here trying to offer opinions. maybe this isnt a place to share ideas, rather a place to tell people that they dont know what theyre doing.
I am in the process of thinning ot all my tanks, but what people forget to realize sometimes is some of us cant afford to buy deltec skimmers, huge custom sumps, huge external pumps, 400 wt halides, etc. I may be overstocked myself but water parameters are reasonable and steady, just have problems with high nitrates. Thats not to say that i am not going to do other things to improve though.
I am sure ALL OF US are guilty of impulse buys and making foolish choices regarding our tanks. I know i am.