

New member
Just thought I would check since you guys live in Okinawa.

My family (cousins and all) will be doing our first ever major full family vacation in the Ryukyu this xmas. I've been before and of course plan to make it to one of your guys' events before the year is up, but my dad has one major question.

Are there any nice golf courses in Okinawa?

Doesn't matter which island. We were thinking of going on an island hopping tour anyhow, but my dad LOVES golf and always tries to play at the local courses wherever he goes.

If you know any, let me know. My sister and I plan to hit up Pineapple Park again. (That girl can eat ALOT of pineapple.)
yea, there are several golf courses on island.. I think one of the best and probably cheapest is kadena air bases. If he dosnt want to play on base, you might want to make reservations for one of the ones off base ASAP.. you know the japanese love thier golf and im sure all the off base courses are booked solid for probably up to a year out. I'd be more than happy to sign your dad(and who ever else wants to play) onto base to play a round. I've only played one time, but wouldnt mind doing it again.. he'll just have to understand that I suck.. bad.. lol
Thanks for the tip and the offer!

My dad's handicap is in the single digits.... he gets frustrated easily if he has to wait for people to finish their holes. ^^;; (This is why he generally plays alone unless he is at client dinners where he tones it down and still beats them dramatically. )

He also doesn't mind cost, since it's just important to him that he plays on a course that doesn't have too many people.

I will let him know about Kadena, but could you give me information about any other courses as well?
ahh cant help you on off base ones.. I know that no matter what he pays off base, the course is probably going to be full. I've also been told that it's cheaper and easier for japanese guys to fly to hawaii or california to play golf than it is for them to play in japan.
didnt know that its cheaper for them to fly to the states? Im not 100% on that, but am 100% sure that you cant get a T-time at a course for at least a year. So its probably worth it for them to fly to the states.. why do you think there are so many japanese guys playing golf on base.
kadena is a very nice course, inexpensive and good for all abilities. Awase is a bit tougher but its an amazing course, if they want a scenic game Awase is the way to go. Theres also Chibana, but you gotta walk it and its not quite as nice as the others. Its alot more technical though if thats what your lookin for.
I "try" to get out as much as possible, but my pesky job is always gettin in the way of things. :D