gone for 3 weeks and now problems


New member
i was gone for 3 weeks and i have a 10 gallon tank...and the person that was suppose to clean my tank never did. Now i have red cyno...i think...all over my tank. It has covered my zoos and gsps and my srooms are starting to bleach...what do i do. I need some help...I have had this tank over 2 years and i have never had any cyno or any problems and now i do...i have done one water change since i got back...which is today, Jan 20th...i left dec. 24...what is the best way to fix everything...it used to be so heathly. I need help.
well the water change right now is the best you can do.. I hope you checked the salinity level which could have caused a bleaching event, not to mention higher nitrates. You don't want to rush to change the salinity back to nomral if it went haywire.

When you do the water change attempt to suck out the cyano as best as possible as there will be no harm and so much good when it is directly removed via suction. Even if you suck up some sand or something don't worry, you can always replace that.

I don't know what you have for filtration but if you have use carbon I would change that and if you employ a skimmer I would clean it.

Does your tank have anough even flow in it, this would help prevent cyano growth and detritus sitting in one spot, which helps decomp growth.

Give us more info on your tank.
I am running a 550 powerhead...no filteration...and a powerquad 50/50 lighting by coralife that is on for 10 hours a day.
here is the before and after...its bad :(

Looks like you've had some heavy evaporation while you were away and it doesnt look like you've topped it off...

correct me if Im wrong, but wouldnt that raise your Sailinity severely?
oh yes it will, esp in a 10 gal tank. I love my top off that I have on my 10, the evap rate on a 10 with quite a bit of flow is crazy! My .02 is do water changes every 3 days, and continue to suck out the algea that you can get to. And check that salinity and calcium levels. Good luck.