Good Chiller/RO/DI Unit


What is a decent chiller for an aquarium between 200 and 250 gallons? Do you have experience with these? Is titanium a must? Should I go with an external controller or a built-in? I live in Texas and will be running metal halides. I would prefer to buy used because they are soooo expensive.

I am alos looking to get an RO/DI unit. Any recommendations? I would like the built in TDS meter and one that is easy to connect to an auto-topoff system. Auto-topoff recommendations are also welcome. Thanks to everyone.
Check out "The filter guys" for your Ro/Di unit. I bought their $199 system that is five stages with built in TDS meter and water pressure gauge. They also included a filter wrench and a garden hose connector. The system works amazingly well and is very solid and well made. Its by far the best thing I've purchased for reef keeping yet. Plus, I don't think you could get a better price else where and they have very fast service/shipping. Good luck.
- (best brand, best quality membrane and DI - but costs more)
- filterguys
- others out there, shop around for what you want to pay and features you want included.

- I only have experience with spectrapure and aquafx components that have worked well for me and are simple to use.

- if you can find a good used one that may be best, but hard to find a good one that works and/or will continue to work when you need it.
I went with 1/3 hp tradewind on my 215g (almost 300g system) Made in USA
I switch to Kent MAXXIMA 4 stage RODI after I could not get the TDS down to 0ppm on a 6 stage RODI unit that I bought from an ebay dealer.