Good Clean Up Crew For Aggresv. Fowlr

Also, you have a great set of 3 fish, keep it that way!!! From someone who has too many nice fish, those 3 are some of the best in my opinion. Don't crowd and lose them.
LOL :-)... Thanks for the compliment. i know my 46 is small right now but i plan on upgrading to a 190 g at the end of may. do you think i will be ok?
Big Red-Starry hermits would hang in there as far as sand grubbing, besides that I'd say your the tank cleaner!
I think the trigger and the harlequin will shred the urchin, my niger will regularly make a meal out of urchins and fiddler crabs
Triggers tend to pick on slow moving inverts....though the larger snails should be fine as long as all of the triggers are well fed.
stick your arm in there and get dirty It will save you the money when the harlequin desides to get a free slow moving meal. Or get a floating magnet cleaner if you dont want to get dirty.
99% of the time YOU are the cleanup crew....

You can try big turbo snails but its mixed results with having enough "fug" to keep them fed if they are big enough to survive predator tanks.

You can also work it to where your produce/dose/etc enough calcium to make the dominant algae coraline (the pink stuff)....350 to 400 ppm is the range you should be in. So says my fish expert girlfriend....
In the end it may just be easier to clean the tank yourself.... I don't believe it to be worth it to have a cleaner crew that gets eaten and causes ammonia spikes to occur.
Get a fuge for algae control and a large hermit for sand moving and eating crud. The large hermit will not be touched by anything in your tank. You will be amazed by the sand shifting capabilities of these guys.

And a little warning. Don't let them pinch your finger it really smarts!
i have 300g, where i wasted a lot of money on inverts, which become fish food. now i have two blue crabs(yes big blue crab where you buy from the market) that i declawed and do just fine. they hide under the sand and liverock during the day and comes out at night to forage.