Good deal??


New member
just picked up a Red Sea Max C250 that was running with 2 clowns, a firefish, about 15 snails, some Kenya trees, mushrooms, about 20 pounds of live rock totally covered in corraline, chiller, ato system, some sort of dosing thing, a reverse osmosis system from BRS, 2 buckets of salt, and tons of chemicals that I haven't gone through yet. The lady wanted me to keep the sandbed, but when we tried to lift it there was no way! It was black anyway which I'm not fond of. Good thing the tank and stand isn't any bigger cause it just fit in my jeep!! I've since put the livestock in my current tank which is doing fine. Have to clean everything and figure out how it all goes back together!! (Yikes) I got everything for $500(and a 2.5 hour ride). I think it was a good deal with all the extras. They said the tank is acrylic but it's hard to tell. I'm excited about setting it up! I was thinking of raising the stand up a bit, but then I'll need a ladder for maintenance!
Anyone have a Red Sea Max? Is the chiller really necessary?
Seeing is how no red sea system is under $1300-1400 for even the smallest.. To get it all for $500 is a good deal
Yup good deal.

The equipment and LR alone would cost more than $500 new and you got a whole setup including livestock.

You won on this one.... but should you not have asked before you bought it? LOL
Thanks! I was seeing them empty from $400-$700, and full for over $1000. I was just a little worried because they have upgraded and don't make these anymore. I prefer the closed top look though. Now to cleaning and figuring how to put back together!
So I just looked up the culler which is an aqua euro 1/10 hp. Over $400 new! I think I did pretty good!
So I just looked up the culler which is an aqua euro 1/10 hp. Over $400 new! I think I did pretty good!

I mean you probably got somewhere around $3,000 worth of tank, equipment and livestock total if you were to buy it brand new.

One thing I would suggest - inspect all the silicon and seams of the tank before its filled. You can address any weak looking areas (if any) before water ends up on the floor.
I browse the local craigslist every now and then just to see if there's anything interesting. Once in a while you'll find someone who just needs it gone and will price it accordingly and you score. But most of the time it's people who bought it new and think they can still get close to what they paid. Then there are the ones that are still trying to sell one that's been beaten to hell and no amount of cleaning is going to make it even usable for a holding tank.