Just reading this thread as i saw it posted to a facebook page that was on my feed. Its always good to read stuff even when it hasn't effected you because at some point it prob will :/
Anyway on the subject of Melafix dips. i use melafix and contacted API about the marine version as i had been sent just the normal one from my supplier. I was told there is no difference in ingredients between any of the versions from Pond to marine. the only difference is strength. Normal melafix is .25 stronger than the marine version that is all
Just on the AEFW subject too. Melafix knocked AEFW off a small colony i received knowing it had AEFW is i could do a couple of tests with melafix and camel shrimps. Melafix knocked the worms off in seconds and the camel shrimp munched them like cookies. once finished with the colony it went in the bin where the OP was chucking it anyway.
Anyway on the subject of Melafix dips. i use melafix and contacted API about the marine version as i had been sent just the normal one from my supplier. I was told there is no difference in ingredients between any of the versions from Pond to marine. the only difference is strength. Normal melafix is .25 stronger than the marine version that is all

Just on the AEFW subject too. Melafix knocked AEFW off a small colony i received knowing it had AEFW is i could do a couple of tests with melafix and camel shrimps. Melafix knocked the worms off in seconds and the camel shrimp munched them like cookies. once finished with the colony it went in the bin where the OP was chucking it anyway.