Good or Bad Crabs


New member
I have sps with crabs that have set up home on them. I know the hairy ones are not good but what about the white ones that have a dark band a across their eyes?
So basically if the crab is hairy he is bad and if he isnt he's OK.........I didnt know this. Is this a certain rule that most of you guys use to figure out if the crab can stay or go??
yea, like everyone else said.. the bandit crab is good (also has a smooth carapace), hairy and/or blue eyed ones are bad, I have witnessed one literally tearing the flesh off of an acro and eating a branch down to a thin skeleton in almost no time at all... freaky scary stuff...
These are good ones also . They are red and love pocci's and stylos but will live in any acro that provides enough protection.
