Gorilla crabs to work


New member

So i've put these guys to work , my Gorilla crabs. My tanks have huges 6 foot coast to coast over flows , which i clean by stirring up every other day and the water movement just flushes out into the drain . But still little thing stays and thats when these guys comes in. cleaning overflows is important to keep my nitrates down specially with my set up that i love by the way, its a very efficient skimming machine. Nothing beat an external coast to coast.


So i've put a rock for his castle lol


There's the animal, the second one i didn't need to disturb for this demo its the same thing he's just bigger and meaner and i didn't want to handle it, because he's bigger with bigger claws and he pinches more lol.



Then i put a bit of greenery for food and camouflage while he waits for his next dinner.


Now in the tanks i always have lots of bristle worms that poke their noses so i take them out and put them in the overflow, they eat left over and get fat and eventually become din din for buddy here, perfect food chain and my overflow is well taken care of. Far better than leaving them in a dark refugium.


I have one for the reef


And one for my display refugium.


Both have coast to coast overfows and the refugium feeds by gravity my reef vs a 1" bulkhead on the left side.


I write big for my iphone friends


A new crab

A new crab

Saved by me , lol i got another gorilla crab destine to be trashed i guess, so here is his new home. Its my pod farm , my excess macro algaes depository, my mini independant fuge also a hospital ,because right now i have an sick urchin in there who's getting better with all the free buffet, lol.



I've got 2 filters, a bubble machine for the pods they like lots of air apparently, it just a experimental tank really, not really going by the book here for any hospital tank or pods factory, or fuge.


Its a 5 G tank that i had and instead of throwing away all my macro cuttings i decided to put them in one of my water change waters one day and it became , what it became now.




Quite cosy for a refuge for pods and critters alike.



The crab will have bristles worms to eat because they usually are inbeded in some of my macro's and because i feed my pods they feed as well. And multiply.


So don't kill the crab give him a home .:dance:
