Got bored yesterday...


New member
so I made myself a Calcium reactor. Now I need to make a regulator and a tank for CO2.
Pictures to follow.

Did u use somone's diy plans??? I'm interested in possibly doing this as well when I make the move to ATL
I've been researching Ca reactors for a while now and made one I thought would combine a lot of features I liked from different models into one. i should finnish the gluing today.
there's been a couple, but the one that really stands out of DJ88's reactor build on RC. I used that one as the bare bones and looked at other design's from dealers. what I have is fairly compact but should be able to hold a whole jug of media.
the kids have come down with lice so my progress has slowed down. I'm battling the bugs currently with everything available in the stores, including mayonase and olive oil hair treatments. I can safely say the Merrick is the one mainly infected with susan a possibility, while Xander and I are clean. All i've got left to do is glue the top and bottom on my reactor, then wet test.
There it is. Most all reactor builds were requiring a lid held on with screws. I personaly don't want to make getting into the reactor a major effort so I used a union for the piont of access in the top. I'll get this thing finnished tonight and some pictures.
Darn lice!
Thanks Barrett!!!!!

What type saw do you use to cut the sheets of acrylic. I'd like to start doing some acrylic work. Maybe make my own sump, overflows, cacium reactor, etc.


BTW, the frogspawn I bought from you is doing awesome!

Thanks again
Cool. Glad you like the coral!
i use a plain craftsman table saw with a 10" blade. the teeth are 100 count tripple chip zero kerf blades. their fairly easy to find. you don't have to have a $100 blade to cut acrylic, you just have to make sure the blade is sharp or it will melt as it cuts giving you an unglueable edge. You'll have to come out sometime and I can show you what I do. I use the "pins" method for welding pieces together, before that it was all capillary action. I can get my joints near glass clear and when/if i ever get my routing table together i'll be really rockin.
Cool. Glad you like the coral!
You'll have to come out sometime and I can show you what I do. I use the "pins" method for welding pieces together, before that it was all capillary action. I can get my joints near glass clear and when/if i ever get my routing table together i'll be really rockin.

I'll take you up on that offer. I usually work a week on/week off. I'm working next week and should be off the following. Send me a PM next time you do some acrylic work. I'm really wanting to start working with it soon.

Every since we came to your house my little boy won't stop talking about how he loved Bella and wanted a dog like her. He talked about her non-stop for two plus months. Funny!
If you have any ideas for what you want to try making send me a diagram and I'll check if I have enough acrylic laying around. I built my reactor from scrap and might be able to make you something from scrap too.
I'd like to try to make something small, like a reactor. I am in the process of planning out my next tank. I want all SPS so I'll definitely need a calcium reactor. Where is a good place to buy acrylic locally? Post some pics when you can.
here we are folks. the core reactor body

body getting together

I completely spaced on pix of the plumbing coming together. sorry. here is it mocked up.






just need to glue the top and bottom down. then its wet test time.
I prefer Norrell Plastics on Winhoma...over by the airport, but that may just be personal preference. I like the people there...they are always nice, and will show you how to do things if you ask questions. They also cut, bend, and do custom fabrication if you need them to.
How bout a skimmer. Would that be possible to make? I'm thinking bout a reef octopus 200 DNW for my next tank. Would a skimmer be something I should shy away from?
How bout a skimmer. Would that be possible to make? I'm thinking bout a reef octopus 200 DNW for my next tank. Would a skimmer be something I should shy away from?

Most of the time its about finding the correct pieces (cones, cylinders) but assembly is usually easy. we can get together and work out a diagram, then its just a matter of making the cuts or paying someone else to make them.
The money I can save making my own sump, skimmer, calcium reactor I can buy a good table saw and it'll pay for itself. I'll try to do some research on these