Got Itchy Today


RC Mod
Staff member
RC Mod
It was nice. Had to shot something.


Thanks Hookup. Though I'm gonna shoot the lily again tomorrow. My tripod is in the car and I want a better DOF on it.
Lit from above. Dark room behind it. It could have been better at about 9.5, but like I said, no tripod in the house. I have to remember to bring it in tomorrow.
Also the blue on the left is from the tank lights. Gotta remember to leave them off.
Pretty jealous of the fly fishing.... I'm currently in my kitchen in long underwear getting ready to go down hill skiing... I'd rather fish... ;)
Only fishing up here right now is Ice Fishing. We just snapped out of a long sub-zero cold snap. Instead we are getting tons of snow! Feet and feet of it. Getting tired of snow raking my roof off....never mind trying to keep the driveway clear! I need to literally throw the snow over my shoulders to get it over the bearms!

That fishing pic looks very warm and inviting! (and I don't even fish!)
Thanks again guys.

Louis, I don't fish anymore, but about 5 or 6 times a year we stop at this park. The wife grabbed me and told me to stop taking pics of him because the Amish don't like having their picture taken. I did stop, but I was amazed at his posture.

I couldn't get the lily yesterday because it started getting brown on the edges.