Got me puzzled


New member
I have a 30 gallon IM 36 " tank about 5 months old. It seems all I have been able to keep alive is zoas and shrooms. I've tried some acans, hammer, and some frogspawn and they all die quickly pretty much skeletons after a few days. I use a Chinese led Aquasnarise lighting only at about 20 white and 50 blue. Use a IM skimmer as well as a phosphate reactor. My readings are

Alk 7.3
Cal 410
Mag is low 900
and a constant struggle is PH.. Always hovers around 7.4

Any ideas why anything but my zoas and shrooms seem to do horrible .
That ph is way too low. I would get some decent test kits and remeasure.

Salinity by refractometer first, you want 1.025-1.026. Then calcium and magnesium levels, I use Salifert. Magnesium of 1350-1500 and Calcium of 400-450.

Alkalinity via Hanna meter or Lamotte. Alkalinity 8-10.

If you can’t afford decent test kits, have a friend or LFS you trust measure them. LPS are calcifying corals and you need The Big 3 at adequate levels and consistently stable.