got2envy's 28g JBJ Z's & P's Stash


hello fishy fishy
Hello! here is my 28g nano cube HQI. It is mostly for my Z & P collection with a few LPS, SPS.

I will getting a Radium 20k bulb this week and will update the pix to see the difference :bum:

28g JBJ Nano Cube HQI
14k MH Phoenix bulb
Marineland accent actinic LED's
inTank media basket
everything is stock on this..pumps, UV.

Sixline Wrasse
2 peppermint shrimp
Astreas, nassarius snails
blue legged hermits

Assorted Z's & P's
Bi colored frogspawn
Pink rock nem
Blasto merletti
Tyree blue meanie Micromussa
Rainbow cloves
Pink Millipora
Green pocci
Pink birdsnest
Superman shroomz
Ugly green shroom :/
Purple ribbon gorgonian

Red Grape
Flame Algae
Pink galaxy
Red titan
Blue scroll

Poopy phone pix... by got2envy, on Flickr by got2envy, on Flickr

Thanks for looking!
Thanks guys! I will be adding a few more morphs soon...I am looking for a couple of particular Z's & P's that I want. Most of these I have had for years, I just keep fragging instead of just letting them do their thing...which is what this tank is set up fragging for a while just letting them grow.
I ordered a 20k Radium bulb so I will post pix when i set it up and the bulb is burned in.
Holy cow!!
Did you just randomly placed the z and p's or each piece was thought out?
Either way, looks good. What are you feeding them?
Thanks! I just placed them wherever there was room. I use Seachems reef plus.
I have been collecting these for a few years now :)

Thanks guys!