Best way to view the graph with more control than the Profilux offer is to export the file to Excel.
Select all the points you want to graph or section of it in Excel. Profilux graph is really hard to read if you have a lot of data points. Use Excel!
Go to Probe------->Measurement Data and click on "read and save" and select "point" for decimal marker.
Click okay and it will ask you where you want to save the file. Remember this directory as you will need the file later for excel.
After the file is being saved. A window will pop to display the graph. This is the Profilux graph. The only thing you can do is pretty much look at it.
I hate this because it displays some of the data collected while work is being done to the tank and the probes were reading bad data. As you can see here, the "spike" happened in all the probe reading.
Now open Excel and go to the directory where you saved the file and make sure to display "all files". Otherwise, excel will not see the Profilux extension file.
Then it will ask you how to convert the file. Just click finish.
After the file is properly open and converted, it will look like this.
You can delete the bad data points and select all the data or part of the data to be plotted.
Click on insert chart and you can select all sorts of chart. I like the scatter plot.
Click okay and the graph will be displayed. You can double click on it to change the color, add extra axis, add title, label. All sorts of thing depending on how much you know Excel and how fancy you want it to be.
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